Saturday, 20 April 2013

Day 10...18 April, 2013...Venice, gondolas, glass blowing, Vivaldi...

Ciao guys, today we were yet again in Venezia, Italy. For our last day in Italy we all went on the gondola’s to experience Venezia at a sea level, it was an awesome sight being able to see all the old buildings resting up on the water’s edge . The rides were very scenic and is something that many of us would do again if we came back.
 Next was the Peggy Guggenheim modern art museum. This was an interesting place with many different artworks for people to enjoy. It was interesting to see the amount of money put into modern art including 4000 euro for a small statue. The art museum was not a thing for everyone as some people don’t see what others see but it did appeal to the majority of the group and was an extremely good experience for those people.
Next we were off to the Venetian glass ‘factory’ where we saw a glass vase being blown and made which was quite an amazing sight and really fascinated the whole group. Seeing all the glass and the way it is crafted really makes you appreciate the art of it. The way that the shapes and colours are made into the glass was really amazing, like the use of gold in the glass mixture will create a deep red colour inside the glass. A few kids bought some pieces of the glass to take home as an intricate memory of Venice and Italy. 
After dinner we went to watch the Vivaldi concert which was great to listen to and was very cool to see how the sounds are made. To see the enthusiasm of the people who play the instrumentswas enthralling. The music was very relaxing and easy to listen to. All in all it was a big day for our last day in the country of Italy and it was a great way to finish the Italian part of the trip.