Tumut High School’s excursion to Europe has been offered annually to Year 12 students since 2003. It provides our students with the opportunity to experience parts of the world which relate to a range of courses studied in their senior years, in particular Modern and Ancient History, Visual Arts and Languages. In a broader sense students will gather knowledge which relates to their studies of English, Geography, Economics, Science, Construction, the Performing Arts and PDHPE. The value of standing in front of works studied, examining alternate architectures, analysing the workings of a Galileo invention or experiencing the emotion of an ANZAC dawn service is priceless, and the opportunities on this trip, many and varied.
The Blakeney Millar Foundation of Tumut gives generous support to this trip. Amongst other things it pays for staff to accompany, lead and guide students across the world. Tumut High and the Blakeney Millar Foundation would like students and families to understand that this trip is available to all students who are eligible by the school’s standards, and who are medically fit for travel. The Blakeney Millar Foundation is also available, where necessary, to provide financial assistance for needy students who apply to travel each year.
The 2013 trip has been supported by local entities and we would like to thank Sounds of the Mountains FM 96.3, Tumut RSL Sub Branch, Swans of Tumut and the Blakeney Millar Foundation.
The 2013 Tumut High School Europe Trip is held predominately in the April school holidays, where possible, aligning with ANZAC day and participating in memorial activities in the Western Front regions in France and Belgium. This year we would also like to thank Darren Mitchell and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs NSW for their interest and support of our students in their quest for understanding and knowledge regarding Australia’s participation in WWI in Europe.
As we visit Italy, Switzerland, France and Belgium be sure to visit our blog site and stay tuned to Sounds of the Mountains FM 96.3, FM 94.3 and FM94.1 for regular afternoon updates on this exciting journey.
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